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Thursday, October 01 2020

I don’t know if you have heard or not, but there is a lot going on these days....

*Global Pandemic

*Schools going back to in-person classes

*Churches expanding their in-person offerings

*The Economy is struggling, Unemployment is still high, Suicides are rising, Family abuse cases are rising in homes, Addiction numbers rising...AND it’s an election year and our nation is extremely divided. There are a lot of things to distract us and occupy our thoughts, prayers, and attention.


To bring it down to the local level, the NKBA is providing resources to your church and inviting you to join churches across the Northern Kentucky region to “PRAY AND GO.” This is a simple commitment by your church to prayer walk around your community, leave a door hanger to let people know their family/home were prayed for specifically and leave contact information as you ask if they have any prayer requests or needs that the church could assist them with. Right now about 15 churches have committed. Will your church? We hope this will be a step toward looking ahead at 2021 as we join with other Kentucky Baptists to take the GOSPEL TO EVERY HOME. (More information on that to come).


October is also a month devoted to recognition of Association Missions. We have a weekly prayer list that is printed in this newsletter and will be posted daily on our Social Media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). We want to highlight and give thanks for the great work our ministry partners are accomplishing across the NKBA. Please use this prayer list and the WEEK OF PRAYER FOR ASSOCIATION MISSIONS IS 18-25. We are asking for your church to take a special offering to help our inner city mission partners: The Moore Activity Center, The Cornerstone Fellowship (feeding breakfast 5 days per week, dinner three days per week), the HOPE Feeding Ministry (at FBC Covington, 9th Street doing numerous lunch meals), and The Lighthouse (at Oak Ridge). Our goal is $20,000 to evenly divide among these four.


Our Association theme for October and for our November 2nd annual meeting is FOCUS: MAKING OUR MISSION MATTER! What are our next steps to engage our lost communities with the Gospel of Jesus? All of the information for the Fall Meeting is listed in this newsletter. Your prayers are appreciated as are your continued giving to the NKBA.

Despite the pandemic, this has been a great ministry year for the NKBA. Listed below are a few of the things that YOU have made possible by your giving! Help us finish this year strong!


NKBA 2020

1) Through Disaster Relief helped FIVE families begin to rebuild in the aftermath of the flood in Nashville, through our partner on the ground, 3:18 Fellowship, under (former Erlanger Baptist) Pastor Dwight Moody ($5,000).

2) Supported NEW CHURCH PLANTS: Good Shepherd (Korean/Asian), Emmanuel Chapel (African Immigrant), Mercy Ridge (Dry Ridge), New Reality/Life Recovery Center (Addiction), Living Church (Network of House Churches), Cincinnati Chinese Church (NKY Bible Study), Iglesia Cristo La Luz Del Mundo (Covington), Erlanger Hispanic, and Zion Chin.

3) Carried out an association wide 40 Days of Prayer leading up to virtual Easter services.

4) Helped 13 churches apply and secure over $400,000 in PPP (forgiveable) loans to assist payment of staff during Covid-19.

5) Assisted multiple churches in establishing online giving portals through a partnership with InJoy (John Maxwell’s old company).

6) Provided step by step guidance to Pastors for options to many churches to begin online/streaming of services and encouraging pastors to use social media to expand their reach for the Gospel.

7) Helped source equipment for parking lot services. (FM/AM transmitters)

8) Helped churches without social media presence to establish Facebook and new Websites during Covid-19 as well as help churches set up ZOOM accounts.

9) Held weekly Pastor Town Hall meetings (via Zoom) to provide guidance and interpretation for application of CDC guidelines and re-launching of services during pandemic as well as providing encouragement for Pastors.

10) Developed a comprehensive resource page ( for all things related to Covid-19.

11) Provided resources for Pastors, Staff and family to receive counseling services.

12) Helped provide 20 families with generators and other supplies in LA after Hurricane Laura (Lake Charles, LA). (Estimated $16,000 in goods) Delivered through our partner Trinity Baptist Church in Lake Charles, LA. (Video up on Facebook)

13) Provided training to pastors/churches move to a 90-day strategic schedule for moving churches forward in the pandemic into 2021 (through AUXANO).

14) Helped eight churches complete church revitalization and revisioning plans through CHURCH UNIQUE and GOD DREAMS (from AUXANO/LifeWay).

15) Developed a Covid-19 social media strategy with resources for churches to use to encourage prayer and community during the pandemic.

16) Helped coordinate the distribution of 16,000+ (and counting) meals to the Homeless and disadvantaged in Covington through The Cornerstone Fellowship and First Baptist Church 9th Street Covington (HOPE Ministry). 5+ first time decisions and baptisms to date. Investment of $6K to date.

17) Helped coordinate and raise funds for feeding International Students (and providing gift cards totaling $3K, which led to multiple Gospel conversations and new Bible Study groups among Internationals) at NKU during the summer with WMU and Josh Skipper.

18) Launching a “Pray and Go” strategy to equip and prepare churches toward prayer walking all over Northern KY in preparation for taking the Gospel to Every Home in 2021

(in conjunction with the Kentucky Baptist Convention).

19) Coordinating Christmas Backpack giveaway through local partners and churches. Our goal is 1500 backpacks that will be delivered directly to those in need in our region (Cincinnati/NKY) along with a personal Gospel presentation. (Collection the week of October 26, distribution before Christmas).


It is a great joy to serve as your Lead Associational Missions Strategist. I look forward to seeing many of you face to face on November 2 at Fort Mitchell!


Following Him,


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