Blog Tuesday, October 31 2017
WOW! If you missed this years fall meeting of the NKBA you missed one of THE most dynamic services with former President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Dr. Fred Luter speaking. It was out of this world! He and Dr. Richard Gaines, from Consolidated Baptist Church in Lexington led our Pastors Conference and it was a GREAT day! If you want to see any of either, you can go to our Facebook page (Northern Kentucky Baptists), or our website ( and we will have the day sessions as well as our evening sessions loaded on the NBKA YouTube channel. We will adding a number of training events held at the NKBA on our website/YouTube channel, so subscribe to the YouTube channel and check out the growing resources on our website. I am VERY excited about upcoming mission opportunities. Right now, I am recruiting skilled work teams to go to Houston to rebuild houses. I had hoped to have a team go in November, but that does not seem likely now. SO, we are aiming for the weeks of January 8-12/13 (Mon-Sat), January 14-20, January 28-February 3, or February 18-24. If you have a strong skill level in carpentry, plumbing, laying floor, electrician, and or painting, we need you. See which of these weeks work for you and contact the NKBA office to set it up. We have partners ready on the ground to provide housing and food. You will only need to secure your travel and a few limited meals. Limited resources are available to help with supplies for drywall (takes about $1500 per home). Again, this is SKILLED labor…If you are interested CONTACT ME RIGHT AWAY! The NKBA will have a Christmas Open House for all of our churches, pastors/staff/members on December 7 from Noon-7PM. Drop by for a bite to eat and to celebrate the season! If you still haven’t put a Christmas backpack together for distribution to our NKY/Greater Cincinnati area churches, you can! Our goal is 500 and statewide it is 5000! You can help make a child’s Christmas and each one will be delivered with a personal Gospel invitation to Christ! Backpacks are still available at the NKBA (at no cost). The list of what to fill them with can be found here:,2377 Please put the following items on your calendar and make them a matter of prayer as we move ahead to 2018! I am asking all NKBA churches to join together for 40 Days of Prayer in 2018! This would begin January 24 and end March 5. Prayer Guides will be available on our website and printed books available to guide this time for each church at the NKBA office. To culminate this time, we will have an all-association Spiritual Awakening Conference on Friday and Saturday evening, March 2-3 at 7PM at Burlington Baptist Church. It will be two nights of worship, prayer, and the preaching of the Word together. Dr. Joel Carwile, Lead Pastor at First Baptist Church, Athens, AL. Joel spoke at the NKBA fall meeting in 2016 and is the former Lead Pastor at Valley View Church in Louisville. Our spring meeting will be held at First Baptist Church Highland Heights on March 5 and will begin with a Pastors Conference, then an evening business session and worship service featuring Dr. Chuck Kelley, President of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. One more thing….Kentucky Changers is coming to NKY! June 16-22 we will have hundreds of missioners coming to NKY to work on mission projects throughout our region. Please read the adjoining article and help us make this a time of great impact in our Jerusalem! It is a great blessing to serve as your missionary. Following Him, |